Reuters, and Forbes Feature Medical Marijuana, Inc. Partner CannaNative, Reports Say Hemp May Be Next “Gold Mine” for Native American Tribes

Medical Marijuana, Inc. Announces Partnership with Cannanative™ to Grow Cannabis on Native Lands, Help Tribal Economies, Produce First-Ever Products

San Diego, CA – Oct. 25, 2016Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA) announced today a partnership with CannaNative™, LLC (“CannaNative™”) to grow cannabis, produce the first-ever hemp oil products and develop economic opportunities on native lands in the United States. CannaNative™, the premiere Native American-owned company that uses cannabis to promote economic development on native lands, was also featured in reports from Reuters,, and Forbes.

A Reuters article picked up by entitled “Hemp may be next gold mine for Native American tribes” highlights how cultivating industrial hemp could lift many people from poverty on Native American lands — the global hemp market is already an $800 million market that could grow into billions, according to the Global Hemp Group. Meanwhile, a Forbes article explains how CannaNative has come to an initial agreement with the Navajo Nation to discuss growing cannabis and promoting economic opportunities on the largest Native American land in the United States today, with reservation land covering a total of 17.5 million acres.

“Native American lands are sovereign lands, and every Native American tribe should have the opportunity to grow cannabis responsibly and to promote economic opportunities for future generations,” CannaNative CEO Anthony Rivera said. “CannaNative is also excited at the prospect of working with the largest Native American tribe in the United States. CannaNative co-founder Andy Nakai is a member of the Navajo Nation and is an important part of the Company’s future strategic growth initiatives.”

On Aug. 15, Medical Marijuana, Inc. and its sales subsidiary HempMeds® announced a partnership with CannaNative to produce cannabidiol (CBD) products derived from industrial hemp for a branded line of products, which will be distributed to tribal wellness centers on reservations and native doctor’s offices, pharmacies and dispensaries. The partnership and products are intended to help the more than 560 U.S. tribal nations develop hemp and cannabis-based economies to protect their sovereignty.

“Medical Marijuana, Inc. is excited and humbled by the opportunities posed by the Company’s partnership with CannaNative, both the potential for a hemp crop grown on native lands to help with access to this important plant, and also for the opportunity to help Native American tribes with economic opportunities in the world’s fast-growing industry,” Medical Marijuana, Inc. CEO Dr. Stuart Titus said. “We also applaud CannaNative for advancing their talks with the Navajo Nation and are enthusiastic to watch opportunities develop with the largest tribe in the United States.”


About Medical Marijuana, Inc.

Our mission is to be the premier cannabis and hemp industry innovators, leveraging our team of professionals to source, evaluate and purchase value-added companies and products, while allowing them to keep their integrity and entrepreneurial spirit. We strive to create awareness within our industry, develop environmentally-friendly, economically sustainable businesses, while increasing shareholder value. For details on Medical Marijuana, Inc.’s portfolio and investment companies, visit

To see Medical Marijuana, Inc.’s video statement, click here. Shareholders are also encouraged to visit the Medical Marijuana, Inc. Shop for discounted products.

About CannaNative LLC.

CannaNative™ goal is to help tribes to develop hemp and cannabis-based economies on Native American lands throughout the United States.  We believe that every tribe should have the opportunity to establish and grow a responsible, cannabis-based economy to sustain all future generations. For more information on CannaNative, visit the Company’s website at


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.


Medical Marijuana Inc. does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). These companies do grow, sell, and distribute hemp-based products and are involved with the federally legal distribution of medical marijuana-based products within certain international markets. Cannabidiol is a natural constituent of hemp oil.


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