A recent article on El Dictamen explored the story of a little girl named Alina, one of the first patients in Mexico to be approved for a CBD oil treatment.
An article this week in Mexico’s El Dictamen details Alina and her family’s story, revealing how discovering CBD oil changed their lives.
It was through non-profit organizations dedicated to spreading awareness for CBD oil, like Hope4Harper and Por Grace, that Alina’s family first learned of the benefits of CBD.
Unfortunately, all cannabis products, including CBD, were banned in Mexico at the time. Alina’s parents set up a change.org petition to allow her to use CBD. This campaign went viral, starting a grassroots effort in Mexico to bring CBD oil to those patients in need.
Early in 2016, Cofepris permitted the import and use of CBD for Alina with the correct documentation and her neurologists prescription. To obtain the historic import authorization, Alina’s father Abelardo Maldonado rode 8 hours each way on a bus to reach the Cofepris offices.
This early step of permitting the use of CBD oil with no detectable THC would eventually lead to Mexico modifying its cannabis policy to allow the use of medical cannabis. These changes will take full effect the first of the year. In the meantime, products like RSHO-X™ from HempMeds® Mexico remain an important option for patients and their families across Mexico. Just last month, for the first time ever the government of Mexico subsidized CBD oil for its citizens, covering the full cost of RSHO-X™ products for 11 patients in the State of Mexico.
For patients in Mexico interested in accessing CBD oil, Abelardo suggests contacting Por Grace. The organization supports patients looking to use CBD, answering any questions they may have.
Patients can also visit the HempMeds® Mexico website for information regarding the process to import RSHO-X™ CBD oil. The HempMeds® Mexico team is available to address any issues you have and give you the information necessary to make the right choices regarding your treatment.
Read the original El Dictamen article HERE.
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